Thursday, January 15, 2009

Reds Just A Wanna Have Fuh-un

So let it be known, redheads DO have more fun.

The transition has been made, and I'm really enjoying it. It's amazing how a little something like hair color can really transform...well, a lot of things. We'll see how it affects my booking ratio :)

In the meantime, we are taking LA into our own hands and creating our own work (isn't that what all the smart people told us a few years ago? Yeah...we're just a little slow on the uptake). Brian and I and some of our friends, are creating a webseries (writing, producing, editing, costuming, you name it) and it's coming along very well. We have three episodes written so far, and plan to shoot them at the end of Feb. Look for a flashy new awesome website and three rockin' installments of THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF SUPERHEROES roundabouts my birthday at the end of March. I would tell you more about it...but then I'd have to kill you! Muah-hah-haaaaaa....


Lauren said...

CAN'T WAIT!!!! and your red hair is awesommmmmeeeee!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks great.